Tuesday 14 May 2024

Some Wild Flowers on Bostall Heath

We spent about 60 minutes on the small section (in TQ4777) where Longleigh Lane meets Brampton Road viz.

Wild Flowers &c. seen included:

Buck's-Horn Plantain viz. 

Clustered Clover (don't remember seeing it on the Heath before: no recent records apparently, so have submitted the record to the Kent Botanical Recording Group) viz.

Common Chickweed
English Oak
Fairy-Purses (aka Shepherd's-Purse) 
Foxglove viz.

Beaked Hawksbeard
Hedge Mustard viz.

Herb Robert
Hop Trefoil viz.

Red Dead-Nettle
Ribwort Plantain viz. 

Soft Brome viz.

Spotted Medick
and Wall Barley

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