Friday 22 March 2024

Did I visit the C17? Updated...

I have been Church Watching in the City of London for getting on for two years now: a favourite Church, if I have one, is St Martin-within-Ludgate. It was there I first came across the (wood) carving of William Emmett, on a door-case. Sadly, the carving has been ruined by coats of varnish and stain: probably by the Victorians.

The Church was rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1666: but survived World War II, essentially unscathed. Much of the furniture &c. is C17. 

I became better acquainted with Emmett's work in St Mary Abchurch: he carved the Font Cover, the Royal (Stuart) Arms, a Lion and a Unicorn. This is the Lion: 

Super impressive. 
As such I have developed an admiration for him but certainly wasn't expecting what was going to happen during my last stint watching at St Martin-within-Ludgate.

Sitting on a pew, I closed my eyes for no particular reason and saw a man working in the area where the door-case is: he was dressed in a voluminous white shirt and a light brown waistcoat type arrangement. The inside of the Church was chaotic: rubble and stone everywhere. Looking outside, Ludgate Hill was crowded with people and carts: the road was a brown colour. Then back to reality: if there is such a thing. So: did I see the Church being rebuilt during the late-C17? And Emmett working on this door-case? 

Or what? The scene was and still is, extremely vivid.  

Update: was speaking to someone yesterday who knows the City' Churches very well and who saw a ghostly Bishop in St Mary Abchurch, a while ago.

Additional Update: the experience has been reported to the 'Society for Psychical Research'.

Friday 1 March 2024

Wild Flowers seen flowering locally during December 2023, January 2024 and February 2024 (the Winter)

Although we won't be participating in the Wildflower Society', Winter Plant Hunt, we have decided to record Wild Flowers seen in flower locally, as a matter of general curiosity. So here goes (individual species will only be included once viz. in the month they were first seen):

December 2023:

Annual Mercury
Bristly Oxtongue
Campion (a pink version)
Common Chickweed
Daisy viz.

Golden Samphire
Hawkweed Oxtongue
Ivy-Leaved Toadflax
Jersey Cudweed
Narrow-Leaved Ragwort 
Oxford Ragwort
Red Dead-Nettle
Scentless Mayweed
White Dead-Nettle
and Yarrow

January 2024:

Hazel (catkins)
Lesser Celandine
and Sweet Violet

February 2024:

Coltsfoot viz.

Common Field Speedwell
Common Fumitory
Common Whitlowgrass viz.

Early Dog-Violet
Goat Willow (aka Pussy Willow) viz. 

Grape Hyacinth
Green Alkanet
Hairy Bitter-Cress
Ivy-Leaved Speedwell
Rue-Leaved Saxifrage viz.

Three-Cornered Garlic/Leek
White Ramping-Fumitory viz.

and Wild Daffodil (Lesnes Abbey Woods)

Resulting in a total of thirty-eight (38) species.