Wednesday, 1 April 2020

We walk down to Lesnes Abbey Woods and Lesnes Abbey Park

Initially Bright and Sunny but it didn't take long for the Clouds to roll in: so the hoped-for Butterflies didn't materialise although we glimpsed a single Peacock Butterfly.

Also a few Hoverflies: mainly Epistrophe eligans.

Plus a single Hairy-Footed Flower-Bee (visiting a Red Dead-Nettle) viz.

and single Common Carder Bee.

Wild Flower' Species seen in Lesnes Abbey Wood and Park (we didn't visit the Abbey' Ruins so no Biting Stonecrop, Black Spleenwort, Ivy-Leaved Toadflax, Rue-Leaved Saxifrage, Wall-Rue, White Stonecrop &c. in the List) included:

Bluebell (the native Bluebell) viz.

Brooklime (not as much as there used to be after the Small Pool below the Pine Pond, that the Brooklime used to grow in/beside was cleared out) viz.

Bush Vetch
Common Field-Speedwell
Cow Parsley
Cotton Thistle (we think)
Creeping Thistle
Daisy viz.

Dandelion (and Bee) viz.

Dog's Mercury
Early Dog-Violet
Greater Stitchwort viz.

Green Alkanet
Ground Ivy viz.

Ivy-Leaved Speedwell
Lesser Celandine viz.

Lords-and-Ladies (Arum maculatum only) viz.

Red Dead-Nettle
Spear Thistle
Sweet Violet
White Dead-Nettle
Wild Garlic
Wood Anemone viz.

Wood Sage
Wood Sorrel
and Yellow Archangel viz.

And the Ferns are coming out to play viz.

Wild Flower' Species seen whilst walking to and from the Woods, included:

Common Chickweed
Dove's-Foot Crane's-Bill viz.

Forget-me-Not viz.

Four-Leaved Allseed
(Garden) Grape Hyacinth
Greater Celandine
Green Alkanet
Ivy-Leaved Speedwell
Ivy-Leaved Toadflax
Jersey Cudweed
Lesser Celandine viz.

Lesser Swine-Cress
Mouse-Ear Hawkweed
Red Dead-Nettle
Rue-Leaved Saxifrage
Shining Crane's-Bill
and Sticky Mouse-Ear

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