Saturday 12 May 2018

Of Great/Wild Lettuce, Navelworts and Sundry Others

We waited until it started Raining before setting forth to view the local Navelworts! It started as a Gentle Drizzle and didn't really stop until we got back Home.

Just before arriving at the Navelworts we took a Brief Detour and found a Great/Wild Lettuce viz.

We knew it was one having seen another one a few days earlier (the first we had knowingly seen).

The Navelworts were still there viz.

We are probably being Neurotic but we always wonder if they will be there the next time we visit!

Then, en-route to do a spot of Shopping &c. we visited the Burial Grounds of Our Lady of the Angels, Erith: it was still Raining.

Plant' Species seen (thirty plus) included:

Barren Strawberry (no longer flowering) viz.

Black Medick viz.

Bush Vetch viz.

Common Mouse-Ear
Common Vetch
Field Wood-Rush
Germander Speedwell viz.

Mouse-Ear Hawkweed
Perennial Cornflower viz.

Pot Marigold (possibly initially planted)
Primrose (possibly initially planted)
Scarlet Pimpernel viz.

Sheep's Sorrel
White Stonecrop
Wood Anemone
various Grasses viz.

and Cock's-Foot.

We also saw a Sage-like Plant (Wood Sage?) viz.

and a Pencilled Geranium viz.

Although whether planted or not will forever remain a Mystery.

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