Monday 2 January 2017

We have gotten going with the 'Patchwork Challenge 2017'

During 2016, the 'Patch' ran alongside the Thames from where the Footpath runs up to the Thames Path from Crabtree Manorway North in Belvedere, downstream, to just beyond Corinthian Manorway, in Erith.

We included the area, say 200 yards inland, running parallel to the River, which allowed us to spend some time in the Grounds of the Church of St John the Baptist, Erith. Sadly though; almost all of the ground immediately inland from the River has been built on. We also included the Footpath running up from Crabtree Manorway North with a Ditch bordered by Reeds, Brambles &c. running alongside.

We did consider extending the 'Patch' this year to include the section of River running alongside the Thames Path upstream to the Outfall of the Crossness Sewage Works but decided to stick to the 2016 'Patch' * (see below). Extending the 'Patch' might have mean't seeing a few more Birds but we enjoyed our Outings during 2016 and seeing a few more Birds isn't particularly important for us. So, no change for 2017. And we are again nominally participating in the Inland South Minileague.

We have set ourselves a Target of 60 Bird' Species for 2017. We managed 74 Bird' Species during 2016 but are inclined to think this was Exceptional; at least by our Standards.

That being said, we were told a couple of months or so ago that we should see at least 120 Bird' Species on the 'Patch'! It seems a lot but…

With so many distractions viz. Butterflies, Lichens, Little Critters, Wild Flowers &c. we will probably be spending less time on the 'Patch' this year; hence the proposed and to our minds realistic Target of 60 Bird' Species for 2017.

A 'Proper Bird Person' will of course see many more Birds than we do. We used to reckon to see about 70% of the Birds that a 'Proper Bird Person' will see during an Outing; we are now of the opinion we rather Over-Estimated our Abilities so now reckon on 65% in lieu of 70%!

But truth to tell, there is no need to be a 'Proper Bird Person' to participate in the Patchwork Challenge. And there is no need to see lots of Birds. We don't. The most important thing, to our minds at least, is to feel Comfortable and not Overwhelmed; which we generally feel very Comfortable.

And anyway: as mentioned, we are easily sidetracked by Butterflies, Lichens, Little Critters, Wild Flowers &c.

On New Year's Day we walked along the Footpath leading up from Crabtree Manorway North to the Thames Path (seeing some House Sparrows) and whilst glancing downstream towards the 'Patch' turned left to walk upstream towards the Outfall of the Crossness Sewage Works.  In addition to the House Sparrows, we noticed a Common Sandpiper, a couple of Gadwalls, a Grey Heron and a Rock Pipit.

And today (2 January) we walked the full 'Patch' (although we didn't visit the Grounds of the Church of St John the Baptist) adding the following Bird' Species to our Tally:

Black-Headed Gull
Black-Tailed Godwit
Carrion Crow
Common Gull
Great Black-Backed Gull
Lesser Black-Backed Gull
Pied Wagtail
Ringed Plover
Rock Dove/Feral Pigeon
Wood Pigeon

As a result of which we are 50% or so of the way towards our Target! There is of course, a long, long way to go. We shall provide an update at the end of the Month; and monthly thereafter.

* We have belatedly extended the Patch to include the newly-landscaped Lake beside Church Manorway viz.

and the Footpath that runs between Church Manorway and Bronze Age Way where there is a short stretch of Ditch bordered by Reeds &c. running alongside.

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