Thursday 15 September 2016

We make another Submission of Botanical Records to the Kent Botanical Recording Group (KBRG)

The more time we spend looking for Wild Flowers &c. the more we become aware of how very, very little, we know about them. Which in itself is not actually a problem since we are perfectly happy to accept our very considerable limitations.

We made our first (bulk) Submission of Records to the Kent Botanical Recording Group (KBRG) during July-2016, for Grid Reference TQ5079 (see 'We make our first Submission of Botanical Records to the Kent Botanical Recording Group (KBRG)' ~ 1 July 2016).

We subsequently submitted a few more Records; including (the super-pretty) Water Plantain viz.

seen in the Ditch that runs beside Church Manorway and Mulberry Way (a Celery-Leaved Buttercup,  another new record, may be seen in the background).

So having gotten off the mark, we once again cast caution aside and during early-September made another Submission of Records, this time for Grid Reference TQ4980.

Plants such as Dittander (on the Kent Rare Plant Register) viz.

and Yellow Vetchling (on the Kent Rare Plant Register) viz.

had already been submitted.

But we were able to add Seventy plus Plants to the Register, including:

Agrimony viz.

Common Centaury viz.

Crown Vetch viz.

Cowslip viz.

Hoary Plantain (super-pretty and on the Kent Rare Plant Register) viz.

Hop Trefoil viz.

Kidney Vetch viz.

Marsh Woundwort viz.

Moth Mullein viz.

Rosy Garlic viz.

Salad Burnet viz.

Slender Thistle viz.

Stinking Iris viz.

Sulphur Cinquefoil viz.

Wild Basil viz.

Winter Heliotrope viz.

and Yellow-Wort viz.

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