Friday 13 September 2024

Birds: Our 2024 'Year' List

Our 2024 Species' Year List (including where first seen): we really haven't bothered too much this year

Avocet (Thames Foreshore, Greenhithe, Kent) viz.

Black-Headed Gull (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Black-Tailed Godwit (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Blackbird (Thamesmead Ecology Study Area)
Blue Tit (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Canada Goose (Southmere Lake and Surrounding Area)
Carrion Crow (Thamesmead Area)
Caspian Gull (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Thamesmead) viz.

Chaffinch (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Chiffchaff (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Collared Dove (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith) 
Common Gull (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith) viz.

Common Sandpiper (beside the Outfall of the Crossness Sewage Works)
Coot (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Cormorant (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Curlew (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Thamesmead)
Dunlin (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Thamesmead)
Dunnock (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Belvedere)
Egyptian Goose (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Goldfinch (Grounds of the Crossness Sewage Works)
Great Black-Backed Gull (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Great Crested Grebe (Southmere Lake and Surrounding Area) viz.

Great Tit (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith) 
Grey Heron (Thamesmead Ecology Study Area)
Grey Wagtail (Thamesmead Ecology Study Area)
Greylag Goose (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Thamesmead)
House Sparrow (Southmere Lake and Surrounding Area)
Jackdaw (Betsham, Kent)
Lapwing (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Thamesmead)
Lesser Black-Backed Gull (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Thamesmead)
Linnet (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Little Egret (beside the Outfall of the Crossness Sewage Works) 
Little Grebe (Southmere Lake and Surrounding Area)
Magpie (Thamesmead Area)
Mallard (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Moorhen (Thamesmead Area)
Oystercatcher (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Belvedere) 
Pied Wagtail (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Pochard (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Redshank (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Rock Pipit (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Ring Necked Parakeet (Thames Path and River Foreshore. Erith)
Ringed Plover (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Belvedere) viz.

Shelduck (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Thamesmead)
Shoveler (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Snipe (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Belvedere)
Starling (Thamesmead Area)
Tufted Duck (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Wigeon (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith) viz.

and Wood Pigeon (Thamesmead Area)

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Wild Flowers growing in our Road (at Home)

A few years go we submitted a list of Wild Flowers seen in our local Monad to the County Recorder. 

We think it about time to record Wild Flowers seen in/from our Road (a couple of hundred yards long if that), whether on the Pavements, in Road-Side Gutters or in Front Gardens:

Annual Meadow-Grass
Buck's-Horn Plantain
Barren Brome
Black Medick
Common Chickweed
Common Field-Speedwell
Common Knotgrass
Common Ragwort
Common Sow-Thistle
Common Whitlowgrass
Couch Grass
Creeping Bent viz. 

Creeping Thistle
Dove's-Foot Crane's-Bill
Fairy-Purses (aka Shepherd's-Purse)
Forget-me-Not (unidentified)
Four-Leaved Allseed viz.

Great Wilowherb
Hairy Bittercress
Herb Robert
Jersey Cudweed viz.

Lesser Swine-Cress
Petty Spurge
Prickly Sow-Thistle
Red Dead-Nettle
Red Valerian
Rue-Leaved Saxifrage
Shining Crane's-Bill
Sticky Mouse-Ear
Thale Cress
Wall Speedwell viz.

Water Bent
and Wood Avens

Saturday 7 September 2024

Our First Butterfly Sightings in the London Borough of Bexley: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 (ten years)

Our First Sightings are identified for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 viz.

Brimstone: 7 April 2015 ~ 17 March 2016 ~ 11 March 2017 ~ 26 March 2018 ~ 23 February 2019 ~ 11 March 2020 ~ 9 March 2021 ~ 15 March 2022 ~ 23 March 2023 ~ 30 March 2024

Brown Argus: 4 June 2015 ~ 24 May 2016 ~ 10 May 2017 ~ 18 May 2018 ~ 16 May 2019 ~ 7 May 2020 ~ 28 May 2021 ~ 18 May 2022 ~ 27 May 2023 ~ 4 September 2024

Clouded Yellow: 18 July 2015 ~ 17 August 2016 ~ 31 July 2017 ~ not seen during 2018 ~ 7 September 2019 ~ 3 August 2020 ~ 26 June 2021 ~ not seen during 2022 ~ not seen during 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

Comma: 9 April 2015 ~ 17 March 2016 ~ 11 March 2017 ~ 14 March 2018 ~ 25 February 2019 ~ 23 March 2020 ~ 22 March 2021 ~ 10 March 2022 ~ 3 April 2023 ~ 30 March 2024

Common Blue: 11 May 2015 ~ 22 May 2016 ~ 2 May 2017 ~ 22 May 2018 ~ 16 May 2019 ~ 10 May 2020 ~ 5 June 2021 ~ 18 May 2022 ~ 27 May 2023 ~ 7 September 2024

Essex Skipper: 25 June 2015 ~ 25 June 2016 ~ 16 June 2017 ~ 29 June 2018 ~ 20 June 2019 ~ 13 June 2020 (we had previously seen an Essex Skipper beside The Ridgeway in the Plumstead area, the Royal Borough of Greenwich, on 30 May 2020: confirmed as the first sighting, submitted to Butterfly Conservation, of the species in the United Kingdom during 2020)  ~ 24 June 2021 ~ 18 June 2022 ~ 9 June 2023 ~ 27 June 2024

Gatekeeper: 3 July 2015 ~ 6 July 2016 ~ 30 June 2017 ~ 29 June 2018 ~ 6 July 2019 ~ 11 July 2020 ~ 16 July 2021 ~ 2 July 2022 ~ 6 July 2023 ~ 10 July 2024

Green Hairstreak: 28 April 2015 ~ 3 May 2016 ~ 6 April 2017 ~ 19 April 2018 ~ 19 April 2019 ~ 26 April 2020 ~ 19 April 2021 ~ 26 May 2022 ~ 2 June 2023 ~ 13 April 2024

Green-Veined White: 30 March 2015 ... confirmed as the first sighting, submitted to Butterfly Conservation, of the species in the United Kingdom during 2015 ~ 2 April 2016 ~ 27 March 2017 ~ 14 April 2018 ~ 28 March 2019 ~ 5 April 2020 ~ 4 April 2021 ~ 25 March 2022 ~ 3 April 2023 ... confirmed as the first sighting, submitted to Butterfly Conservation, of the species in the United Kingdom during 2023 ~ 6 April 2024

Holly Blue: 22 April 2015 ~ 4 May 2016 ~ 8 April 2017 ~ 22 April 2018 ~ 14 April 2019 ~ 16 April 2020 ~ 7 May 2021 ~ 18 April 2022 ~ 25 April 2023  ~ 24 April 2024

Large Skipper: 5 June 2015 ~ 8 June 2016 ~ 1 June 2017 ~ 2 June 2018 ~ 2 June 2019 ~ 26 May 2020 ~ 26 June 2021 ~ 2 June 2022 ~ 21 June 2023 ~ not seen during 2024

Large White: 1 May 2015 ~ 30 April 2016 ~ 10 July 2017 ~ 4 April 2018 ~ 1 June 2019 ~ 19 April 2020 ~ 26 June 2021 ~ 20 June 2022 ~ 4 June 2023 ~ 7 August 2024

Long-Tailed Blue: not seen during 2015 ~ not seen during 2016 ~ not seen during 2017 ~ 29 October 2018 (a one off probably) ~ not seen during 2019 ~ not seen during 2020 ~ not seen during 2021 ~ not seen during 2022 ~ not seen during 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)
Marbled White: 24 June 2015 ~ 17 July 2016 ~ 16 June 2017 ~ 20 June 2018 ~ 22 June 2019 ~ 15 June 2020 ~ 24 June 2021 ~ 15 June 2022 ~ 17 June 2023 ~ 27 June 2024

Meadow Brown: 18 June 2015 ~ 18 June 2016 ~ 7 June 2017 ~ 8 June 2018 ~ 1 June 2019 ~ 13 June 2020 ~ 15 June 2021 ~ 15 June 2022 ~ 21 June 2023 ~ 27 June 2024

Orange-Tip: 7 April 2015 ~ 12 April 2016 ~ 28 March 2017 ~ 14 April 2018 ~ 28 March 2019 ~ 23 March 2020 ~ 4 April 2021 ~ 26 March 2022 ~ 7 April 2023 ~ 6 April 2024

Painted Lady: 7 June 2015 ~ 5 June 2016 ~ 20 May 2017 ~ 15 June 2018 ~ 24 June 2019 ~ not seen during 2020 ~ 23 April 2021 ~ 17 May 2022 ~ 7 April 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

Peacock: 30 March 2015 ~ 30 March 2016 ~ 9 March 2017 ~ 21 March 2018 ~ 25 February 2019 ~ 6 March 2020 ~ 26 February 2021  ~ 15 March 2022 ~ 23 March 2023 ~ 4 March 2024

Purple Hairstreak: 5 August 2015 ~ 18 July 2016 ~ not seen during 2017 ~ not seen during 2018 ~ not seen during 2019 ~ 1 July 2020 ~ not seen during 2021 ~ not seen during 2022 ~ not seen during 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

Red Admiral: 7 March 2015 ~ 28 March 2016 ~ 28 February 2017 ~ 19 May 2018 ~ 19 February 2019 ~ 6 March 2020 ~ 22 June 2021 ~ 19 March 2022 ~ 2 June 2023 ~ 12 February 2024

Ringlet: 25 June 2015 ~ 24 June 2016 ~ 14 June 2017 ~ 20 June 2018 ~ 22 June 2019 ~ 20 June 2020 ~ 24 June 2021 ~ 18 June 2022 ~ 28 June 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

Silver-Washed Fritillary: not seen during 2015 ~ 23 July 2016 ~ not seen during 2017 ~ not seen during 2018 ~ not seen during 2019 ~ not seen during 2020 ~ not seen during 2021 ~ not seen during 2022 ~ not seen during 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

Small Copper: 4 May 2015 ~ 4 June 2016 ~ 10 May 2017 ~ 20 May 2018 ~ 21 April 2019 ~ 10 May 2020 ~ 7 June 2021 ~ 18 May 2022 ~ 9 June 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 

Small Heath: not seen during 2015 ~ 26 May 2016 ~ 20 May 2017 ~ 20 May 2018 ~ 16 May 2019 ~ 9 May 2020 ~ 28 May 2021 ~ 29 May 2022 ~ 9 June 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

Small Skipper: 16 June 2015 ~ 24 June 2016 ~ 10 June 2017 ~ 15 June 2018 ~ 20 June 2019 ~ 9 June 2020 ~ 24 June 2021 ~ 15 June 2022 ~ 17 June 2023 ~ 27 June 2024

Small Tortoiseshell: 7 March 2015 ~ 28 January 2016 ~ 11 March 2017 ~ 22 March 2018 ~ 22 February 2019 ~ 21 March 2020 ~ 9 March 2021 ~ 8 March 2022 ~ 4 April 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

Small White: 7 April 2015 ~ 25 March 2016 ~ 11 March 2017 ~ 5 April 2018 ~ 28 March 2019 ~ 26 March 2020 ~ 22 March 2021 ~ 9 February 2022 ~ 15 February 2023 ... confirmed as the first sighting, submitted to Butterfly Conservation, of the species in the United Kingdom during 2023 ~ 7 April 2024

Speckled Wood: 9 April 2015 ~ 6 March 2016 ~ 28 March 2017 ~ 19 April 2018 ~ 28 March 2019 ~ 9 April 2020 ~ 9 April 2021 ~ 21 March 2022 ~ 3 April 2023 ~ 30 March 2024

White Admiral: not seen during 2015 ~ 21 July 2016 ~ 24 June 2017 ~ 23 June 2018 ~ not seen during 2019 ~ not seen during 2020 ~ not seen during 2021 ~ not seen during 2022 ~ not seen during 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

White Letter Hairstreak: 22 July 2015 ~ not seen during 2016 ~ not seen during 2017 ~ not seen during 2018 ~ not seen during 2019 ~ not seen during 2020 ~ not seen during 2021 ~ not seen during 2022 ~ not seen during 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

Friday 24 May 2024

Wild Flowers seen in St Paul's Churchyard, the City of London (TQ3281)


Annual Meadow-Grass
Black Medick (see below)
Buck's-Horn Plantain viz.

Common Field-Speedwell
Common Mouse-Ear viz.

Common Ragwort (unlikely to flower due to mowing regime)
Creeping Buttercup viz.

Dandelion viz.

Greater Plantain
Hart's-Tongue Fern
Jersey Cudweed (see below)
Petty Spurge
Red Dead-Nettle
Thyme-Leaved Speedwell viz.

Wall Speedwell
White Clover viz. 

and Yarrow (unlikely to flower due to mowing regime)

Jersey Cudweed and Black Medick viz. 

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Some Wild Flowers on Bostall Heath

We spent about 60 minutes on the small section (in TQ4777) where Longleigh Lane meets Brampton Road viz.

Wild Flowers &c. seen included:

Buck's-Horn Plantain viz. 

Clustered Clover (don't remember seeing it on the Heath before: no recent records apparently, so have submitted the record to the Kent Botanical Recording Group) viz.

Common Chickweed
English Oak
Fairy-Purses (aka Shepherd's-Purse) 
Foxglove viz.

Beaked Hawksbeard
Hedge Mustard viz.

Herb Robert
Hop Trefoil viz.

Red Dead-Nettle
Ribwort Plantain viz. 

Soft Brome viz.

Spotted Medick
and Wall Barley

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Wild Flowers seen flowering in the Plumstead Cemetery during a short visit

We didn't venture too far: just a hundred yards or so, if that:

Black Medick viz.

Bulbous Buttercup
Common Field-Speedwell
Common Mouse-Ear viz.

Common Vetch viz.

Daisy viz.

Dove's-Foot Crane's-Bill
Early Forget-me-Not viz.

Germander Speedwell viz.

Mouse-Ear Hawkweed 
Oxeye Daisy
Red Clover
Ribwort Plantain
Meadow Foxtail 

Spotted Medick
and Sweet Vernal-Grass

(Dark-Edged) Bee-Fly sightings for 2024

All Sightings are submitted to iRecord: see ... ...

26 March 2024: one (1) Bee-Fly on Bostall Heath

30 March 2024: one (1) Bee-Fly in the Upper Belvedere area

6 April 2024: sixteen (16) Bee-Flies on the Crossness Nature Reserve and surrounding area, including this one...

7 April 2024: seven (7) Bee-Flies on the Crossness Nature Reserve and surrounding area

12 April 2024: one (1) Bee-Fly on Bostall Heath

13 April 2024: four (4) Bee-Flies on the Erith Southern Marsh 

13 April 2024: one (1) Bee-Fly beside the Ridgeway in the Thamesmead/Belvedere area

13 April 2024: two (2) Bee-Flies in Lesnes Abbey Park

13 April 2024: eight (8) Bee-Flies on the Crossness Nature Reserve and surrounding area

18 April 2024: three (3) Bee-Flies on Bostall Heath

21 April 2024: one (1) Bee-Fly beside the Ridgeway in the Thamesmead/Belvedere area

29 April 2024: three (3) Bee-Flies on Bostall Heath

4 May 2024: two (2) Bee-Flies on Bostall Heath

5 May 2024: two (2) Bee-Flies on Bostall Heath

8 May 2024: two (2) Bee-Flies on Bostall Heath: including this one...

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Wild Flowers on Bostall Heath seen during a short visit included

Annual Meadow Grass
Balkan Spurge
Broad-Leaved Dock
Bush Vetch
Common Chickweed
Common Mallow
Common Mouse-Ear
Common Vetch
Coral Spurge
Cow Parsley
Cut-Leaved Crane's-Bill
Dove's-Foot Crane's-Bill
Fairy-Purses aka Shepherd's-Purse
Field Forget-me-Not
Garlic Mustard
Green Alkanet
Hedge Mustard
Herb Robert
Ox-Eye Daisy
Red Dead-Nettle
Ribwort Plantain
Round-Leaved Crane's-Bill
Sheep's-Sorrel viz.

Shining Crane's-Bill
Spear Thsitle 
Sticky Mouse-Ear
and Wood Sage

Monday 15 April 2024

Whilst visiting two horses of our acquaintance yesterday in Kent, we looked for Wild Flowers around the Duck Pond and saw:

Annual Meadow-Grass
Buttercup (Bulbous)
Buttercup (Meadow)
Common Field-Speedwell
Common Ragwort

Cow Parsley
Dove's-Foot Crane's-Bill
Early Forget-me-Not
Red Dead-Nettle
Spotted Medick
Sticky Mouse-Ear
Thale Cress
Wall Speedwell
and White Dead-Nettle

Additionally, we spotted this Hoverfly (Eupeodes sp.) visiting a Dandelion:

Monday 1 April 2024

To the New Woolwich Cemetery via the East Wickham Open Space

In the New Woolwich Cemetery, we saw our first Small White Butterfly of the year and a possible Green-Veined White Butterfly. Also a Common Carder (Ginger-Bonce) Bee visiting Green Alkanet viz.

Plant species seen flowering in the Cemetery included:

Comfrey (either Common or White)
Common Field-Speedwell
Common Stork's-Bill
Field Wood-Rush
Green Alkanet
Meadow Foxtail
Red Dead-Nettle
and Sweet Vernal Grass viz.

In the nearby Old Woolwich Cemetery there was lots of Spring Beauty: not yet flowering.

And on the East Wickham Open Space, there were a few Hairy-Footed Flower-Bees visiting Red Dead-Nettle and we saw our first Buttercups of the year including this Bulbous Buttercup viz. sepals turned down:

Friday 22 March 2024

Did I visit the C17? Updated...

I have been Church Watching in the City of London with The Friends of the City Churches, for getting on for two years now: a favourite Church, if I have one, is St Martin-within-Ludgate. It was there I first came across the (wood) carving of William Emmett, on a door-case. Sadly, the carving has been ruined by coats of varnish and stain: probably by the Victorians.

The Church was rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1666: but survived World War II, essentially unscathed. Much of the furniture &c. is C17. 

I became better acquainted with Emmett's work in St Mary Abchurch: he carved the Font Cover, the Royal (Stuart) Arms, a Lion and a Unicorn. This is the Lion: 

Super impressive. 
As such I have developed an admiration for him but certainly wasn't expecting what was going to happen during my last stint watching at St Martin-within-Ludgate.

Sitting on a pew, I closed my eyes for no particular reason and saw a man working in the area where the door-case is: he was dressed in a voluminous white shirt and a light brown waistcoat type arrangement. The inside of the Church was chaotic: rubble and stone everywhere. Looking outside, Ludgate Hill was crowded with people and carts: the road was a brown colour. Then back to reality: if there is such a thing. So: did I see the Church being rebuilt during the late-C17? And Emmett working on this door-case? 

Or what? The scene was and still is, extremely vivid.  

Update: was speaking to someone yesterday who knows the City' Churches very well and who saw a ghostly Bishop in St Mary Abchurch, a while ago.

Additional Update: the experience has been reported to the 'Society for Psychical Research'.

Friday 1 March 2024

Wild Flowers seen flowering locally during December 2023, January 2024 and February 2024 (the Winter)

Although we won't be participating in the Wildflower Society', Winter Plant Hunt, we have decided to record Wild Flowers seen in flower locally, as a matter of general curiosity. So here goes (individual species will only be included once viz. in the month they were first seen):

December 2023:

Annual Mercury
Bristly Oxtongue
Campion (a pink version)
Common Chickweed
Daisy viz.

Golden Samphire
Hawkweed Oxtongue
Ivy-Leaved Toadflax
Jersey Cudweed
Narrow-Leaved Ragwort 
Oxford Ragwort
Red Dead-Nettle
Scentless Mayweed
White Dead-Nettle
and Yarrow

January 2024:

Hazel (catkins)
Lesser Celandine
and Sweet Violet

February 2024:

Coltsfoot viz.

Common Field Speedwell
Common Fumitory
Common Whitlowgrass viz.

Early Dog-Violet
Goat Willow (aka Pussy Willow) viz. 

Grape Hyacinth
Green Alkanet
Hairy Bitter-Cress
Ivy-Leaved Speedwell
Rue-Leaved Saxifrage viz.

Three-Cornered Garlic/Leek
White Ramping-Fumitory viz.

and Wild Daffodil (Lesnes Abbey Woods)

Resulting in a total of thirty-eight (38) species.