Friday 13 September 2024

Birds: Our 2024 'Year' List

Our 2024 Species' Year List (including where first seen): we really haven't bothered too much this year

Avocet (Thames Foreshore, Greenhithe, Kent) viz.

Black-Headed Gull (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Black-Tailed Godwit (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Blackbird (Thamesmead Ecology Study Area)
Blue Tit (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Canada Goose (Southmere Lake and Surrounding Area)
Carrion Crow (Thamesmead Area)
Caspian Gull (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Thamesmead) viz.

Chaffinch (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Chiffchaff (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Collared Dove (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith) 
Common Gull (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith) viz.

Common Sandpiper (beside the Outfall of the Crossness Sewage Works)
Coot (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Cormorant (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Curlew (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Thamesmead)
Dunlin (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Thamesmead)
Dunnock (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Belvedere)
Egyptian Goose (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Goldfinch (Grounds of the Crossness Sewage Works)
Great Black-Backed Gull (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Great Crested Grebe (Southmere Lake and Surrounding Area) viz.

Great Tit (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith) 
Grey Heron (Thamesmead Ecology Study Area)
Grey Wagtail (Thamesmead Ecology Study Area)
Greylag Goose (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Thamesmead)
House Sparrow (Southmere Lake and Surrounding Area)
Jackdaw (Betsham, Kent)
Lapwing (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Thamesmead)
Lesser Black-Backed Gull (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Thamesmead)
Linnet (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Little Egret (beside the Outfall of the Crossness Sewage Works) 
Little Grebe (Southmere Lake and Surrounding Area)
Magpie (Thamesmead Area)
Mallard (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Moorhen (Thamesmead Area)
Oystercatcher (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Belvedere) 
Pied Wagtail (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Pochard (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Redshank (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Rock Pipit (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith)
Ring Necked Parakeet (Thames Path and River Foreshore. Erith)
Ringed Plover (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Belvedere) viz.

Shelduck (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Thamesmead)
Shoveler (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Snipe (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Belvedere)
Starling (Thamesmead Area)
Tufted Duck (West Lake, Thamesmead)
Wigeon (Thames Path and River Foreshore, Erith) viz.

and Wood Pigeon (Thamesmead Area)

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Wild Flowers growing in our Road (at Home)

A few years go we submitted a list of Wild Flowers seen in our local Monad to the County Recorder. 

We think it about time to record Wild Flowers seen in/from our Road (a couple of hundred yards long if that), whether on the Pavements, in Road-Side Gutters or in Front Gardens:

Annual Meadow-Grass
Buck's-Horn Plantain
Barren Brome
Black Medick
Common Chickweed
Common Field-Speedwell
Common Knotgrass
Common Ragwort
Common Sow-Thistle
Common Whitlowgrass
Couch Grass
Creeping Bent viz. 

Creeping Thistle
Dove's-Foot Crane's-Bill
Fairy-Purses (aka Shepherd's-Purse)
Forget-me-Not (unidentified)
Four-Leaved Allseed viz.

Great Wilowherb
Hairy Bittercress
Herb Robert
Jersey Cudweed viz.

Lesser Swine-Cress
Petty Spurge
Prickly Sow-Thistle
Red Dead-Nettle
Red Valerian
Rue-Leaved Saxifrage
Shining Crane's-Bill
Sticky Mouse-Ear
Thale Cress
Wall Speedwell viz.

Water Bent
and Wood Avens

Saturday 7 September 2024

Our First Butterfly Sightings in the London Borough of Bexley: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 (ten years)

Our First Sightings are identified for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 viz.

Brimstone: 7 April 2015 ~ 17 March 2016 ~ 11 March 2017 ~ 26 March 2018 ~ 23 February 2019 ~ 11 March 2020 ~ 9 March 2021 ~ 15 March 2022 ~ 23 March 2023 ~ 30 March 2024

Brown Argus: 4 June 2015 ~ 24 May 2016 ~ 10 May 2017 ~ 18 May 2018 ~ 16 May 2019 ~ 7 May 2020 ~ 28 May 2021 ~ 18 May 2022 ~ 27 May 2023 ~ 4 September 2024

Clouded Yellow: 18 July 2015 ~ 17 August 2016 ~ 31 July 2017 ~ not seen during 2018 ~ 7 September 2019 ~ 3 August 2020 ~ 26 June 2021 ~ not seen during 2022 ~ not seen during 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

Comma: 9 April 2015 ~ 17 March 2016 ~ 11 March 2017 ~ 14 March 2018 ~ 25 February 2019 ~ 23 March 2020 ~ 22 March 2021 ~ 10 March 2022 ~ 3 April 2023 ~ 30 March 2024

Common Blue: 11 May 2015 ~ 22 May 2016 ~ 2 May 2017 ~ 22 May 2018 ~ 16 May 2019 ~ 10 May 2020 ~ 5 June 2021 ~ 18 May 2022 ~ 27 May 2023 ~ 7 September 2024

Essex Skipper: 25 June 2015 ~ 25 June 2016 ~ 16 June 2017 ~ 29 June 2018 ~ 20 June 2019 ~ 13 June 2020 (we had previously seen an Essex Skipper beside The Ridgeway in the Plumstead area, the Royal Borough of Greenwich, on 30 May 2020: confirmed as the first sighting, submitted to Butterfly Conservation, of the species in the United Kingdom during 2020)  ~ 24 June 2021 ~ 18 June 2022 ~ 9 June 2023 ~ 27 June 2024

Gatekeeper: 3 July 2015 ~ 6 July 2016 ~ 30 June 2017 ~ 29 June 2018 ~ 6 July 2019 ~ 11 July 2020 ~ 16 July 2021 ~ 2 July 2022 ~ 6 July 2023 ~ 10 July 2024

Green Hairstreak: 28 April 2015 ~ 3 May 2016 ~ 6 April 2017 ~ 19 April 2018 ~ 19 April 2019 ~ 26 April 2020 ~ 19 April 2021 ~ 26 May 2022 ~ 2 June 2023 ~ 13 April 2024

Green-Veined White: 30 March 2015 ... confirmed as the first sighting, submitted to Butterfly Conservation, of the species in the United Kingdom during 2015 ~ 2 April 2016 ~ 27 March 2017 ~ 14 April 2018 ~ 28 March 2019 ~ 5 April 2020 ~ 4 April 2021 ~ 25 March 2022 ~ 3 April 2023 ... confirmed as the first sighting, submitted to Butterfly Conservation, of the species in the United Kingdom during 2023 ~ 6 April 2024

Holly Blue: 22 April 2015 ~ 4 May 2016 ~ 8 April 2017 ~ 22 April 2018 ~ 14 April 2019 ~ 16 April 2020 ~ 7 May 2021 ~ 18 April 2022 ~ 25 April 2023  ~ 24 April 2024

Large Skipper: 5 June 2015 ~ 8 June 2016 ~ 1 June 2017 ~ 2 June 2018 ~ 2 June 2019 ~ 26 May 2020 ~ 26 June 2021 ~ 2 June 2022 ~ 21 June 2023 ~ not seen during 2024

Large White: 1 May 2015 ~ 30 April 2016 ~ 10 July 2017 ~ 4 April 2018 ~ 1 June 2019 ~ 19 April 2020 ~ 26 June 2021 ~ 20 June 2022 ~ 4 June 2023 ~ 7 August 2024

Long-Tailed Blue: not seen during 2015 ~ not seen during 2016 ~ not seen during 2017 ~ 29 October 2018 (a one off probably) ~ not seen during 2019 ~ not seen during 2020 ~ not seen during 2021 ~ not seen during 2022 ~ not seen during 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)
Marbled White: 24 June 2015 ~ 17 July 2016 ~ 16 June 2017 ~ 20 June 2018 ~ 22 June 2019 ~ 15 June 2020 ~ 24 June 2021 ~ 15 June 2022 ~ 17 June 2023 ~ 27 June 2024

Meadow Brown: 18 June 2015 ~ 18 June 2016 ~ 7 June 2017 ~ 8 June 2018 ~ 1 June 2019 ~ 13 June 2020 ~ 15 June 2021 ~ 15 June 2022 ~ 21 June 2023 ~ 27 June 2024

Orange-Tip: 7 April 2015 ~ 12 April 2016 ~ 28 March 2017 ~ 14 April 2018 ~ 28 March 2019 ~ 23 March 2020 ~ 4 April 2021 ~ 26 March 2022 ~ 7 April 2023 ~ 6 April 2024

Painted Lady: 7 June 2015 ~ 5 June 2016 ~ 20 May 2017 ~ 15 June 2018 ~ 24 June 2019 ~ not seen during 2020 ~ 23 April 2021 ~ 17 May 2022 ~ 7 April 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

Peacock: 30 March 2015 ~ 30 March 2016 ~ 9 March 2017 ~ 21 March 2018 ~ 25 February 2019 ~ 6 March 2020 ~ 26 February 2021  ~ 15 March 2022 ~ 23 March 2023 ~ 4 March 2024

Purple Hairstreak: 5 August 2015 ~ 18 July 2016 ~ not seen during 2017 ~ not seen during 2018 ~ not seen during 2019 ~ 1 July 2020 ~ not seen during 2021 ~ not seen during 2022 ~ not seen during 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

Red Admiral: 7 March 2015 ~ 28 March 2016 ~ 28 February 2017 ~ 19 May 2018 ~ 19 February 2019 ~ 6 March 2020 ~ 22 June 2021 ~ 19 March 2022 ~ 2 June 2023 ~ 12 February 2024

Ringlet: 25 June 2015 ~ 24 June 2016 ~ 14 June 2017 ~ 20 June 2018 ~ 22 June 2019 ~ 20 June 2020 ~ 24 June 2021 ~ 18 June 2022 ~ 28 June 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

Silver-Washed Fritillary: not seen during 2015 ~ 23 July 2016 ~ not seen during 2017 ~ not seen during 2018 ~ not seen during 2019 ~ not seen during 2020 ~ not seen during 2021 ~ not seen during 2022 ~ not seen during 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

Small Copper: 4 May 2015 ~ 4 June 2016 ~ 10 May 2017 ~ 20 May 2018 ~ 21 April 2019 ~ 10 May 2020 ~ 7 June 2021 ~ 18 May 2022 ~ 9 June 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 

Small Heath: not seen during 2015 ~ 26 May 2016 ~ 20 May 2017 ~ 20 May 2018 ~ 16 May 2019 ~ 9 May 2020 ~ 28 May 2021 ~ 29 May 2022 ~ 9 June 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

Small Skipper: 16 June 2015 ~ 24 June 2016 ~ 10 June 2017 ~ 15 June 2018 ~ 20 June 2019 ~ 9 June 2020 ~ 24 June 2021 ~ 15 June 2022 ~ 17 June 2023 ~ 27 June 2024

Small Tortoiseshell: 7 March 2015 ~ 28 January 2016 ~ 11 March 2017 ~ 22 March 2018 ~ 22 February 2019 ~ 21 March 2020 ~ 9 March 2021 ~ 8 March 2022 ~ 4 April 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

Small White: 7 April 2015 ~ 25 March 2016 ~ 11 March 2017 ~ 5 April 2018 ~ 28 March 2019 ~ 26 March 2020 ~ 22 March 2021 ~ 9 February 2022 ~ 15 February 2023 ... confirmed as the first sighting, submitted to Butterfly Conservation, of the species in the United Kingdom during 2023 ~ 7 April 2024

Speckled Wood: 9 April 2015 ~ 6 March 2016 ~ 28 March 2017 ~ 19 April 2018 ~ 28 March 2019 ~ 9 April 2020 ~ 9 April 2021 ~ 21 March 2022 ~ 3 April 2023 ~ 30 March 2024

White Admiral: not seen during 2015 ~ 21 July 2016 ~ 24 June 2017 ~ 23 June 2018 ~ not seen during 2019 ~ not seen during 2020 ~ not seen during 2021 ~ not seen during 2022 ~ not seen during 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)

White Letter Hairstreak: 22 July 2015 ~ not seen during 2016 ~ not seen during 2017 ~ not seen during 2018 ~ not seen during 2019 ~ not seen during 2020 ~ not seen during 2021 ~ not seen during 2022 ~ not seen during 2023 ~ not seen during 2024 (anywhere)