Monday 26 April 2021

Thursday 22 April 2021

The Moon ~ 22 April 2021

We think we can see the Sinus Iridium, a Lava Plain, bordered on the left-side by the Montes Jura Mountain Range (very distinctive), to the left of Mare Imbrium, with Mare Serenitatis &c. to the right of Mare Imbrium.

Wednesday 21 April 2021

The Moon ~ 21 April 2021

We are able to see Mare Imbrium (top left) with what we think is the Copernicus Lunar Impact Crater, just below (with we think, the smaller Eratosthenes Lunar Impact Crater, nearby). And below the Copernicus Crater, Mare Nubium

Also clearly visible (dark patches) are Mare Serenitatis, Mare Tranquillitatis, Mare Nectaris, Mare Fecunditatis and Mare Crisium.

Monday 12 April 2021

Some Wild Flowers &c. in Central London

We decided to take some Books back to the London Library so caught the train to Charing Cross and walked to the Library (in St James's Square) via Trafalgar Square.
Wild Flower' Species seen on grassed areas in front of the National Gallery (Grid Reference: TQ 2980) included:

Common Field-Speedwell
Dandelion viz.

Greater Plantain
Lesser Swine-Cress
and White Clover

Wild Flower' Species seen in the Garden in St James's Park (Grid Reference: TQ 2980) included:

Daisy viz.

Henbit Dead-Nettle viz.

Red Dead-Nettle
Springbeauty viz.

and Sticky Mouse-Ear

Footnote: we also saw Springbeauty (a single Plant) close to the Back Entrance of the London Library...

Wednesday 7 April 2021

The Bedon Stream

We have asked the Bexley Archives if they can help viz. 'Super-Sorry to bother but we are wondering if you can tell us anything about the Bedon Stream please? As we understand it, the Stream rises (from the Bedon Spring) somewhere around Nuxley Road/Streamway and runs, in the open and as the Upper Bedon Stream, beside Streamway and beyond, until it disappears underground just before Brook Street. I understand it then runs down to the Thames (underground) and at some point it becomes the Lower Bedon Stream.'

The picture shows Brooklime growing beside the Stream:

The following has just been received:

Sunday 4 April 2021

An Easter Sunday' Walk

We walked to Lesnes Abbey Woods via the Upper Bedon Stream (where the Cow Parsley is coming into flower) and where we saw our first Green-Veined White and Orange-Tip Butterflies of the year (both on Dandelions) viz. 

We also saw Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell and Small White Butterflies.

In the Woods the Bluebells and Greater Stitchwort are coming into flower viz.

The Wood Sorrel too: joining the abundant Lesser Celandines and Wood Anemones in flower. 

We also saw a Brimstone and two Comma Butterflies.

Wild Flowers, flowering, seen on Pavements, in Road-Side Gutters, on Grass Verges &c. included:

Common Field-Speedwell
Common Chickweed
Common Whitlowgrass
Cornsalad viz.

Dove's-Foot Crane's-Bill
Henbit Dead-Nettle viz.

Herb Robert
Ivy-Leaved Speedwell viz.

Ivy-Leaved Toadflax viz.

Lesser Celandine
Pot Marigold
Red Dead-Nettle
Rue-Leaved Saxifrage
Springbeauty viz.

Sticky Mouse-Ear
Sweet Violet
Thale Cress
and Three-Cornered Garlic/Leek viz.

We saw just two Dark-Edged Bee-Flies: one beside the Upper Bedon Stream (visiting Green Alkanet) and one in Lesnes Abbey Woods (visiting Lesser Celandine) viz.

And also, but not least, there were a few Mallards (and a single Moorhen) swimming in the Pine Pond, in Lesnes Abbey Woods, including this Character:

All in all, reminding us that we don't need to travel far to enjoy ourselves.