Super-Sunny. We started off on the Allotments with some Sugar-Spray to hopefully attract some
Hoverflies. We shouldn't have bothered: it attracted just a couple of
Blue-Bottle Flies.
We didn't need it anyway.
At least five (5)
Ladybirds, all assumed
7-Spotters, were out warming themselves in the Sunshine viz.
And we subsequently saw another one on the Box Hedge in the Garden (at Home).
There were also quite a few
Spiders, including
Nursery Web Spiders galore, warming themselves. We must try and learn about some of the more Common Species.
Of particular interest was a
Yellow Dung Fly (
Scathophaga stercoraria) viz.
Interesting, since we understand that there are a number of
Scathophaga' Species which are very similar: however,
S. stercoraria is the only one with black antennae (the others have Orange antennae).
Oh: and we did see some
Hoverflies: three (3)
Episyrphus balteatuses and (at least) two
Meliscaeva auricollises, including these Guys:
Moving on to the Gardens at Hall Place, we added
Bees to the List of Critters seen: namely, assumed
Honey Bees (loads around) and a few
Buff-Tailed Bumblebees viz.:
And three more
Hoverflies: including our first
Eristalis tenaxes of the Year viz.
Birds seen included this
Mistle Thrush and this
Greylag Goose:
And we couldn't neglect the
Lichens so here we have (at least)
Xanthoria parietina and assumed P
hyscia adscendens: