We reckoned on seeing at least twenty individuals; the first we have ever seen in the Bexley area. And to be honest, almost anywhere!
Also seen: Green-Veined White, Green Hairstreak, Holly Blue, Large White, Orange-Tip and Small White Butterflies.
Also a rather pretty Speckled Wood Butterfly viz.
And we were also super-pleased to come across a few populations of both Crosswort and Yellow Vetchling (again) viz.
Both are on the Kent Rare Plant Register. and populations of both may be found in the vicinity of Grid Reference: TQ 48762 72991 or thereabouts.
Other Plants seen included:
Germander Speedwell viz.
Grass Vetchling (super-pretty) viz.
Ground-Ivy viz.
and Spotted Medick (very common but very pretty flowers) viz.